Friday, November 27, 2009

cool stuff for ya tech nerds

It is every cyclists dream to ride a custom bicycle; whether steel or titanium, campy or shimano, road bike or townie, everyone would love to have their own personalized steed. For us tinkerers, the dreams lie deeper into building your own. Fortunately for us, there is a free frame building guide. Most of us will never use it to its full potential, but its one step closer towards or dreams of sweet steel.

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Azfixed Kits!

For only the second time in history, Azfixed has new kits. The kits, made by pactimo are available with bibs,two differnet short sleeve jerseys, a long sleeve jersey, arm warmers, bottles, and even a cycling cap. not bad for a local forum! peep em here:(more at

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Don't Worry- You're Going to Look Dumb

While new cyclists naturally have a number of questions when getting started, there is one that sticks out above the others. "Is there any way to not look ridiculous?" Simply put, no. We roadies try to cover this simple fact up by adding sweeping vents to our helmets, color coordinating our bikes, and wearing shield-like glasses, but the simple fact is that we look- in a word, dweebish. Often times, these borderline metrosexual get ups only dig us further into the realm of nerdom. Next time you leave your house and wonder how you rate in terms of the "cool factor," remember that you are a cyclist, and this is all you can ever hope to aspire too...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Grab your girl pants and fedoras; we're running late!

As Lance famously once wrote: its not about the bike. No, no matter how cool, practical, light, or fast your bike is, your bike alone can not make you worthy to stand in the presence of a true hipster. Do yourself a favor, and take some notes:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

IMG_2134 by clay.maxey.
Quick glimpse of life. With the roommate's new bike all tossed together and the nishiki still hanging around, we now have four bikes total in the room at all times. That is not including the nights of races/ big rides where the tool kit comes out... then we get 6 or so bikes floating through. It becomes kinda sad when a simple t-shirt is the most accurate descriptor of my life....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Successful Slaying

Despite big shoes to fill coming off of this past May's Kill Mill, Hot City Destroyers pulled off another fantastic race at last months Central Slayer. The sprint, which drew 78 registered participants and a number of bandits, led racers about 5 miles straight down Central ave. in downtown Phoenix. Despite a couple spills, the race was off without a hitch, officially kicking off a winter starting to fill up with races. more pics at